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MVBS Annual Elections

MVBS Members,


The Mohawk Valley Blues Society will have its annual membership meeting and election on Monday, October 14, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. at Swifty's Restaurant & Pub on Genessee St. Utica.  Election will be for the MVBS Officers, which consists of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as three board member at-large seats. Please note that incumbent officers and board members who intend to run must also announce their intention.

Nominations are now open and can be made by email to Bill Pickles at Nominations must be in writing.  Nominations will close at midnight, October 13, 2023.  All members are invited to become actively involved in the MVBS by running for a board seat or officer position.

Members who have been members at least 7 days before the election are eligible to vote and run for office or a seat.  If you’re aware of someone who may want to have a vote or run for office, make sure you tell them to become a member by October 9, 2023 via the MVBS website or by contacting any board member.

We want to make sure that anyone who wants to run for the board, either as an officer or at-large, has an opportunity to make a statement to the general membership prior to the election.
So if you plan to run and wish to do so, please send your statement to Bill Pickles at and he will email it out to the general membership.  


Please be advised that we as a board do not endorse any nominee over any other, so feel free to tell people why they should vote for you; we will provide the vehicle for you to get your message out.  We will update the list of nominees as they come in, and a full ballot will be sent out prior to the meeting.

Please note that we will be allowing members to vote via email, if you are unable to attend the annual meeting.

©2019 Mohawk Valley Blues Society 

PO Box 8384 Utica, NY 13505
The Mohawk Valley Blues Society is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. 

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