MVBS Annual Elections
The Mohawk Valley Blues Society will have its annual membership meeting and election on Monday, October 18, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. at Swiftys, next to the Stanley Theater. Please note that due to the continuing COVID-19 concerns we will be allowing members to vote via e-mail by sending your completed ballot to Bill at No emailed ballots will be accepted after 6 p.m. October 18, 2021. All members, of course, will still be allowed to attend the annual meeting, not only to vote but also to join the discussion and share your ideas. Hope to see you there.
All officer seats (chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer) are single year terms and are up for election. Three board seats are all also up for election. Nominations are as follows:
Mohawk Valley Blues Society 2021 Election Ballot
Joe Trisolino _________________________________
Other _________________________________
Vice Chairman:
Mark Sisti _________________________________
Other _________________________________
Colleen Jackson _________________________________
Other _________________________________
Sandi Gentile _________________________________
Faith Burke _________________________________
Other _________________________________
Members at Large (3 seats open):
Bernie Clarke __________________________________
Al Sisti __________________________________
Sandy Hoerle __________________________________
Other __________________________________
Please vote for/write in up to three candidates for Board Member at Large
Click to download and complete a ballot, and email back to MVBS